Glimpses of His Kingdom...
Sometimes God graciously allows you to see glimpses of His Kingdom unfolding right before your eyes. Tonight He was incredibly gracious. As I gathered together with my new church family to walk around our neighborhood, praying for the people that surround our college campus, I couldn't help but notice His Kingdom unfolding. I saw it in the faces of 8-10 teens that showed up to pray for their community because they love Jesus and want others to love him too. I saw it as a 4 year old offered to be the first one to pray over a house of a neighbor whose name was unknown. I saw it as one of our senior high boys prayed over our house thanking God that we were here. I saw it as a mother prayed for our neighbor who is soon to be a new mom in just a few weeks who I am not even sure knows who Jesus is. I saw it as our groups that had scattered, gathered back together and shared stories of how God had used a short 40 minutes to enlarge our perspective of ...