Blessed Beyond...
He told us that God wanted to "bless us in huge ways." He continued to say, "I'm not just talking about blessing your youth ministry, or even this mission trip, but he wants to bless you beyond what you can imagine in something you've been praying for in your home." "He" was a Youth Pastor of one of my friends from Honduras, whom I had just met about an hour before he spoke those words. There have been very few times that someone has spoken prophetically to me and I didn't walk away feeling like I was questioning everything they said. This was one of those moments. I felt as though God was speaking through this man directly to Nate and I. I walked away feeling confident that God was up to something, and while I had no idea what, he was going to do something seriously awesome. That happened on August 16th. Fast forward to this past Thursday, September 21, just a little over a month later. Nate and I both received a phone call from ...