The Unexpected Story...
Almost 5 years ago, I remember standing in front of the church with a smile as wide as Texas, hopes and dreams bursting at the seams, expectant of what God was going to do, and trying to capture it all with a selfie. We had just taken a leap of faith, left a 12 year ministry streak in a place we had come to call home, and moved ourselves to a place that was familiar and foreign all at the same time. I remember looking at Nate and saying, "Can you believe we get to Pastor here?" We had found ourselves on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College, a college that had not only educated us, but had shaped us profoundly. It was the place where we had learned the best life is a surrendered life and where God had begun to speak loud and clear about what he had created us to do. It wasn't just about being on campus again that excited us either. We were going to get to work for one of our college mentors in a church that was smack dab in the middle of city that despe...