The Perfect House
I've never been a super patient person. I'm not sure what parent to blame that on, but for as long as I can remember, I've not been a fan of waiting. I was always the kid on the road trip asking my parents a million times over, "How much longer until we get there," five minutes into the trip. It only got worse the older I got, as I impatiently waited to find out if I made the volleyball team, waited to see if I got the job I applied for, or waited for my now husband to propose to me. I never liked waiting. Our infertility journey was a "wait" that at times almost broke me. There were so many days where I felt like giving up on God (start at the very beginning of this blog journey), giving up on the dreams and desires I believed he had planted inside of me, and giving up on the idea that he had a plan and the plan was good. Years of struggling with infertility and 25 months of waiting to be matched in an adoption process has a way of testing your le...