Half Marathons and Other Uphill Battles...
Last week I found myself being challenged to a 7.5 mile run. Maybe I should back up. Over New Year's, while I was on a mission trip to Honduras, my husband decided to announce to our youth group that he and I would begin training for a half marathon in June. While I was in fact a runner in high school, I have not run that much in a while. Needless to say, we are doing it, and it has actually been good for us as a couple to work toward the goal together. Back to the 7 mile run...that morning we had decided to run with some friends. I quickly found my personal pace and began running by myself. I am not one that loves being by myself, but I was so thankful for those moments to reflect on this adoption journey. I have discovered that the adoption journey is much like running a half marathon. It's not easy...it's a lot of hard work (the waiting part anyway), at times you feel like throwing in the towel, and there are A LOT of times that it feels like an uphill battle (...