Beauty in the Imperfections...
Sometimes you have those days where you wish you could just hit the rewind button and start over. Yesterday was one of those days. I had just come off a long weekend away with a group of Youth Pastors from all over the country digging into poverty and cross cultural awareness prep for missions. By the time I flew home Saturday night, I was mentally exhausted. I knew that my exhaustion was not going away anytime soon, due to the fact that I had a two year old waiting at home for me and preparation for a retreat that I would be speaking at the very next weekend (I know...not great timing on my part!). Monday morning came faster than I wanted to and my predictions were correct. I was exhausted. From the start, all I could think of was the 95 million things I had to get done and the little time I had to get them done. On top of that, it was Monday. Nate works part time on Monday tutoring English Language Learners in one of the local middle schools and Mondays have become my day