
Showing posts from April, 2015

Daring to Dream...

Last Monday night, I found myself wondering what happens when we don't inspire the young people in our life to "dare to discover what God has dreamed up for them."  As a young girl, I had no idea what plans God had for my life.  I was full of energy, had a love for people, loved being around the church, loved being a Pastor's kid, developed a deep love for Jesus, and spunky seemed to be my middle name.  While I had a few plans and dreams for the future as a child, none of them included being a Youth Pastor. I had a lot of amazing people pour into me as a child.  My Mom was always a huge source of encouragement.  She taught me (and continues to teach me) the value in making people feel "valuable."  My Grandpa showed me what it means to really love people, regardless of where they come from.  I had a Sunday School teacher in the third grade who not only put up with my spunkiness, but instilled a deep love for Jesus at an early age.  My best fri...

Words Matter...

It's pretty amazing how much knowledge a child can stuff in that little brain of theirs.  Seriously, they are like a little sponge that soaks up everything you throw their way.  I realized just how scary this is when Biruk began to repeat over and over the other day,"Dang it...dang it...dang it," which coincidentally happened about two days after I slammed my head on the refrigerator door.   They soak up EVERYTHING. Yesterday, we were walking the dog in the neighborhood when a 20 year old flew by on his skateboard.  When we rounded the corner, he was in the parking lot, listening to his music.  As soon as Biruk saw him he yelled out, "Hey little man!  Whatcha doing???"  The 20 year old gave me a puzzled look, took off his Beats, and Biruk repeated it again.  "Hey little man!  Whatcha doing?"  A phrase often used by the teens in our youth group had now become one of Biruk's new phrases. Kids soak up everything. They soak up song l...