Be Present...
This past Monday, while setting up Advent Prayer Space for the church, one of my teens said to me, "I think you like to work." This statement came after she had arrived early to the church to help set up, only to find that I had already set everything up. I laughed and proceeded to tell her that I kind of went into panic mode earlier that day, afraid we might not get everything set up in time, and decided to do most of it myself. She graciously put out the pens and cookies, and the other small jobs I had left for her, and we waited for people to arrive. I keep thinking about that statement. "I think you like to work." The truth is, while I love my job, there are a lot of days that I struggle with whether or not I have done a good enough job. And so I work. There are days that I buy the lie that the more work I do, the more valuable I am. The longer hours I put in, the more effective I will be. The more activity in my life...