Snow Days Aren't Always Awesome...

Last night we got about 8 inches of snow, which on all other days would have been amazing (Nate and I love snow days because we sleep in, fix waffles and spend the day together), but this morning, not so much. We were actually in the car at 8am driving down to Annapolis with our Dossier paper work in hand, ready for this to be the day when we are DONE paper work for the Dossier. Unfortunatly, 30 minutes into the drive, we found out that the courts in Annapolis were closed due to the snow. We called our social worker and she said, "That's only happened 4 times in 8 years!" Lucky us:( Anyway, as disappointing as it was, we have a new appointment for this Monday at 10am. That should be the celebration day...we will keep you posted!


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