A Father's Day Tribute...Part 1

Several years ago, Nate and I began the conversation of what it might look like for him to be a stay at home Dad when we finally brought home our first little one.  If I am honest, I had my concerns.  For starters, Nate is an extremely gifted teacher.  When I say "extremely gifted," I am not exaggerating.  Nate is the kind of teacher that every parent wants their child to have the opportunity to have.  Choosing to be a stay at home Dad was going to crush a lot of parents hopes and dreams.  I was also concerned about money.  Let's be honest, when you go from living on a teacher's salary and youth pastor's salary to just a youth pastor's salary...that is pretty significant.  Nevertheless, Nate felt strongly that this was what God was calling him to do, and so we did it.  I was also concerned that giving up his teaching profession and moving into a role that traditionally men do not take would somewhat make him feel "less than."  Boy was I ever wrong.

As I have watched Nate over these past 11 months of being a stay at home Dad, I have been blown away by the way that he has embraced his new role.  I never doubted that he wouldn't do a good job, but I also never realized just how much more I would fall in love with him watching him become one.  He is an UNBELIEVABLE DAD.  He has the kind of patience anyone would die for.  He packs a diaper bag like no other.  He teaches Biruk all sorts of things.  He's not afraid of adventure, always willing to do what it takes to create a good memory, and forever trying new things with Biruk.  He love unconditionally...seriously...he loves with this deep kind of love and I know that Biruk can feel it.  He's lives selflessly, always willing to do anything for Biruk and I.  He makes Biruk laugh...all the time, whether it's tickling him like crazy, making funny faces, or just teaching him to love life, they are always laughing together.  He is an incredibly easygoing Dad.  Food fights at the table...no big deal.  Poopy diapers on the beach mixed with all of the sand...piece of cake.  Screaming toddler in the store...doesn't even phase him.

But most of all, I am blown away by is the fact that he is an incredible man of God.  Whether it's praying out loud for us, singing together, reading our family's favorite Bible verses as dinner, challenging us to trust God more, or teaching us to follow God no matter what, his love for God is so evident.  That is what I love about Nate, and that is the trait that I hope Biruk sees first in his Dad.  Happy Father's Day, Nate...know that you example does not go unnoticed and will in fact change the course of one little guy's life.  We love you.  Happy Father's Day!


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