Reflections From Honduras #1

Over the next few days I hope to share some of the images that I can't seem to erase, and don't want to erase, from my recent trip to Honduras.  I hope to paint a small picture of the places my heart breaks for, the unexpected ways God showed up, the things I am wrestling with, and the people whose faces remain etched in my mind.  My hope is that you will be inspired, challenged, and encouraged in a way that will enlarge your perspective of the Jesus and his love for the world.

Tonight I walked into the gym and was talking with a friend about our Mission Trip to Honduras that we just arrived home from 3 days ago.  As soon as I mentioned the words "when I was in Honduras," a man sitting next to my friend said, "Why in the world would you ever go to Honduras?"  I've been thinking about that question and have continued to rephrase it in my head over and over again.  "Why wouldn't you go to Honduras?"

Honduras captured my heart several years ago when I found myself on a vision trip with my Dad.  We were looking at potential places to partner with and I remember my first experience with a little village called La Asequia.  We drove in on a road that was surrounded by fields on both sides with not much to see, and then all of a sudden we stumbled on this amazing little village.  The village was jam packed with tiny shacks of houses that couldn't have gotten any closer if they tried.  There were children everywhere and life seemed incredibly simple.  We barely fit our 15 passenger van down the road that would lead to the church.  I felt like I could totally reach out and high five the Senorita making tortillas in her backyard.  When we arrived at the "church," I was again struck by the simplicity.  The church consisted of 4 poles and a metal roof.  We began to talk with the Pastor about the dreams he had for his community.  He wanted to reach people, he wanted kids to know Jesus, he wanted to start missions in the area, he wanted to meet the needs of the people in his community and he wanted to have a church to meet in.  They were big dreams for a small village.

As we talked with this pastor, I looked over and saw a few kids crossing the creek/river to come and see the "gringos."  At first there were just a few kids and since I had a few lollipops in my pocket, I was able to share them.  We continued to talk with the Pastor and as I did, we began to see more and more kids cross the creek. By the end of our conversation, we were surrounded by children.  I quickly saw why this Pastor had a vision for his community.  That would become one of the first places in Honduras that would capture my heart.

This past week, we visited La Asequia to do a Vacation Bible School.  We did it in a brand new building.

Why wouldn't you go to Honduras?

Life is simple.
Children capture your heart.
Pastors dream big.
And God does the unexpected.


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