Perspectives From a Three and A Half Year Old...
I have little niece named Emma. She is three and a half and one of my most favorite people in the world. Emma is a trip...she provides constant entertainment and is a blast to be around. I have wondered in the past months how she will relate to a new little cousin of a different race, from a different country, when we finally get our little baby. My Mom called me today and shared with me this conversation she had with Emma, as she was buying something at a yard sale for our little child to be. Emma: Grammy, who are you buying that toy for? Grammy: Well, Emma, did you know that Auntie Ang and Uncle Nate and going to be getting a baby from another country? Emma: No (pause) Grammy: Yup, they are. But it will be awhile before the baby comes...maybe a year or more. And, when the baby comes, her skin might be dark. Emma: Oh (pause)....(thinking)...(pause)....Grammy, do you think when the baby comes Auntie Ang would let me come to her house and help the baby and teach the baby thin...