9 Years of Nothing But Awesomeness...

This week marked Nate and my 9 year wedding anniversary! I would have posted on the actual anniversary (June 9), but we were with about 50 teenagers for an Out of School Bash. We just spent the past three days in Williamsburg, VA (which we actually ran into more of our teenagers from our youth group while at Busch Gardens!), and had an awesome time. So, here I am, three days after the fact, blogging about our 9 years of marriage! Actually, I just wanted a chance to share with the world how amazingly blessed I am to be married to my husband, Nate.

I was reminded in so many ways this week just how awesome Nate is. We spent the first day of our anniversary excursion at Virginia Beach, laying out in the sun and playing volleyball together. I love that Nate loves to be active and gives me a run for my money peppering (a volleyball term) on the beach! After the beach, we stumbled onto this little street fair thing that had tons of free samples, including free chic-fil-a sandwiches, where Nate took the freedom to take as many samples as he wanted, totally saving on having to go out for dinner! I love that Nate loves to eat, but more importantly, finds ways to be thrify! Thursday night, we stayed in a cabin at the KOA, and had the chance to experience the best bathrooms ever. There was a television, with a remote, in an individual bathroom. Nate loves the Celtics, and since the game was on, we found ourselves watching the game in the bathroom...until I said "what if someone needs to really use this bathroom!" I love that Nate thinks outside the box! We spent the rest of our time at Busch Gardens riding every roller coaster, eating every fattening thing possible, and taking pictures every chance we got. I love that Nate is the type of guy that makes everything you do fun. Today, before we trekked the four hours back home, Nate took me shopping (I know...you all wish you had this awesome husband!) and bought me a pair of Rainbow flip flops that I really wanted. He said this to the guy working, "Today is her day..."

Here is the thing...Every day Nate makes it my day. That is the kind of husband he is. He's selfless, patient, loving all the time, a Godly man, my partner in ministry, the one I laugh the most with, the one I can cry and be myself with, the one who gets me, the one who is constantly putting me first...he is my best friend, and I am forever grateful that I can call him my husband.

The other day we were watching some kids for the night, including a 4 year old. He had her in his arms as we were waiting in line for ice cream and I thought to myself...my husband is an AMAZING husband, but he is going to be an even more AMAZING father. Nate...happy anniversary...we have had 9 years of awesomeness, and I can't wait for the memories to come as we start our family!


  1. Andrea and Nate,

    So happy for both of you. Glad you had a 3 day "get a way" for your anniversary. Praying for you as you are on your journey of adoption.

    Love and Blessings, Audrey


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