Live Life to the Fullest...

It's been awhile since I have posted, as one of my teens, Drake, so graciously reminded me this week! This past week I attended a high school graduation for some of the students that are a part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes I work with at a local high school. I also spoke at the graduation banquet for our youth group this week, so my mind has been in the gear of what's important in life. One of the things that I think is most important is living life to the fullest. Not in a way that is meaningless, or careless, but living in a way that makes every moment count, living in a way where people matter, and living in way that you create memories that will last a life time.

I love our life! Nate and I do some pretty crazy things together, we lead a pretty insanely busy life, but I have to say I love our life. I can not wait until this little baby arrives in our home and we get to introduce her to a world of "living life to the fullest." Just this past week, after I finished the grad banquet, some of our teenagers talked us into taking them to ice cream, and then insisted they wanted to come to the grocery store with us to pick up things we needed for the next morning. We got ice cream, then went to the grocery store at 10pm at night, and then got donuts! Creating crazy memories...this is living life to the fullest.

Thursday we had 10 seniors over for breakfast who were a part of the FCA. We probably sat outside for 2 hours talking, sharing about life, sharing about future plans and just laughing together. Investing in people...definitely living life to the fullest.

Last night we hung out with some friends from college as we watched the Red Sox/Orioles game at Camden Yards. We were exhausted from planning and running a yard sale fundraiser all day, but went anyway. I was thankful at the end of the night for spending time with people I love and thought...this is living life to the fullest.

Today Nate and I went out to this man's house from church, who is 83 and just hung out. We had gone out to pick up some cowboy hats and cowboy boots that he was going to give to Nate (which he did, and now I am officially married to a cowboy!), and wound up talking with him for about 2 hours. We sat at his kitchen table sipping instant coffee and eating homemade pie and thought to ourselves...spending time with people who have truly lived...this is living life to the fullest.

I can't wait until we get to bring this little one into our lives and live life to the fullest with her! I know without a doubt that there will be countless people who will invest in her, love her, and help create memories that will last a life time. This baby is going to have one incredible life!


  1. I'm sure you didn't know this, but I have "LIFE" in Greek from John 10 tattoed on my left wrist. A reminder that Christ's death made this LIFE possible...

  2. Love you so much and found loved reading and praying for you tonight on my couch.


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