Perspectives From a Three and A Half Year Old...

I have little niece named Emma. She is three and a half and one of my most favorite people in the world. Emma is a trip...she provides constant entertainment and is a blast to be around. I have wondered in the past months how she will relate to a new little cousin of a different race, from a different country, when we finally get our little baby. My Mom called me today and shared with me this conversation she had with Emma, as she was buying something at a yard sale for our little child to be.

Emma: Grammy, who are you buying that toy for?
Grammy: Well, Emma, did you know that Auntie Ang and Uncle Nate and going to be getting a baby from another country?
Emma: No (pause)
Grammy: Yup, they are. But it will be awhile before the baby comes...maybe a year or more. And, when the baby comes, her skin might be dark.
Emma: Oh (pause)....(thinking)...(pause)....Grammy, do you think when the baby comes Auntie Ang would let me come to her house and help the baby and teach the baby things?
Grammy: I think Auntie Ang would love that!

If I am honest, I have often wondered in the past weeks how our baby will adjust to living in a home of a different race and a different culture. I've been reminded today from Emma, that no matter the differences in culture or race, this child will be loved unconditionally by our family. I can't wait for her to meet them!


  1. You are absolutely right! That child will be loved unconditionally by everyone in your family. I am so excited for you. Praying too.

  2. And Not just those in your family, but all of us who LOVE YOU GUYS!! Praying for you!!

  3. I'm so excited for you two! Your journey reminds me of the saying "If you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans." It's so awesome to see what He does next with you guys!


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