A Leap of Faith...

Wow...I have to start the blog tonight by saying God is AMAZING! Tonight, one of the teens in my youth group handed me an envelope with $100 in it. She said that it was a belated birthday present to go towards the new baby to come. Is that not awesome? God is using an 18 year old girl, who has a desire to make a difference, to help meet the needs of two little ones in Ethiopia...Did you catch that? That's the other WOW! The past couple of weeks God has really been speaking to Nate and I and working on our hearts, and as a result, we have decided to ADOPT A SIBLING GROUP! That means that we have set our priority to say that we are looking to adopt a two little ones, one as young as possible, and one under 4 that would be siblings!!! This is a huge leap of faith, but as I have been reminded in my time with God over the past few weeks, in conversations with family and friends, when God calls you to do something, it doesn't always make sense to the rest of the world. It's not conventional...it's usually out of the ordinary...but every time, He provides. I can't begin to tell you how over the past few weeks He has provided gifts already from people I would have never expected it from. I know He has provided Nate and I with the things that we will need to be good parents to these two little ones, even if I can't see those things right now.

It's not about what we think we can do...it's not about what seems reasonable. I just finished an awesome book, "The Hole in Our Gospel," by Richard Stearns, the President of World Vision. He says this..."Think for a moment of your life as a house with many rooms. Your faith cannot be just one more room in the house, equal with your job, your marriage, your political affiliation, or your hobbies. No, your faith must be like the very air you breathe, in every room of the house. It must permeate not just your "Sunday worship," or even your vocation and your behavior at home, but also your dealings with everyone around you-including the poor. That's how deep your commitment must be. What does God expect of you then? Everything!"

Nate and I want to give everything. Even if it's tough...even if it's unconventional...even if we have to take a huge leap of faith. It's going to be an amazing ride!


  1. You guys are awesome. And I can't imagine a more wonderful idea than keeping siblings together who need a home, parents and all the love that you will give them. How exciting!

  2. What exciting news!!! I always think of this quote, "God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supply!"

    Praying for your journey!

  3. CELEBRATING with you guys. This is the best news ever. Can't wait to see how God continues to unfold this plan. You won't regret it for a second. As the process and days unfold, you will see and understand more behind the "why". I'm grateful that you said "yes" at took the leap of faith today. AWESOME!!!


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