Nephews vs. Nieces

Last week I made two discoveries while on vacation with Nate's family in New Hampshire. One, nephews are totally different than nieces and two, I know very little about boys! I made these discoveries the very first day as I found myself in the bathroom with my youngest nephew Isaac, who is only 3. Nate and I, had taken Isaac with us to drop off our other nephews, Noah (age 9) and Joshua (age 7), to a kids program that was taking place in the campground tabernacle. As Nate helped the boys get settled in, Isaac and I sat in the back very back. After a few minutes of sitting, Isaac decided he wanted to throw the football around inside the tabernacle. I knew that was NOT a good idea, so being the good Auntie that I am, I decided to take him outside. We ventured outside, and after a few minutes he set the football down, blurted out, "I have to go potty," and started taking off toward the bathroom. This is when the panic set in. I quickly realized I had never taken a 3 year old boy to the bathroom before (I know if you are reading this, you are probably thinking I am a complete idiot). Several things ran through my mind..."Do I take him into the girls bathroom?" To which I answered myself..."Well duh...YOU can't go into the men's bathroom." Then I thought, "does he sit on the toilet or can he actually stand? And if he does stand, is he going to be able to aim? (This is how my mind works 24/7)." I didn't have time to answer that one, because he quickly whipped his pants down, put the toilet seat up, and know. I was completely impressed! He finished up, and I made sure to lift him up to the sink to wash his hands. As I picked him up, turned the water on, and squirted the soap into his hands, which seemed to be a task in itself, the kid farted on me! And man...did he think that was funny..."Auntie Ang, I just farted on your belly!" I would later discover on our second trip to the bathroom that he could reach the sink all on his own.

Nephews are so completely different from nieces. While my nieces are into My Little Ponies and Barbies, my nephews are into dump trucks and trains. My nieces are into dressing up like princesses, and my nephews make jungle gyms out of putt-putt courses and smash sand castles like it's their job. Nieces throw tantrums...nephews, well they throw whatever is closest to them!

My mother-in-law was walking home with Isaac from the Putt-Putt place, when he discovered a dollar bill on the ground. He picked it up, looked at her, and said, "I'm gonna buy you the biggest ice cream, with Sprinkles." Isaac would also be the one to ask if his suitcase was packed and ready to go so that he could go home with Uncle Nate and Auntie Ang (all while sucking his little thumb...about broke my heart). You see, the truth is, while I discovered that nieces and nephews are completely different, I also discovered that they share a common bond. They are both deeply loved by their Aunties and Uncles.

We don't get to see our nieces and nephews nearly as much as we would like, but I was reminded on this trip, I really value the time we do get. While I am not sure that I am equipped yet to handle 3 boys 24/7 (and I have to say props to my sister in law that does...she is a saint!), I know my life is richer each minute that I am given with them. I am feel incredibly blessed to be an Auntie and I am forever thankful that we get to be a small part of their lives...farts and all.


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