This weekend I had an amazing opportunity. My Dad and I were asked to team preach at our Nazarene District Convention. We were asked specifically to speak about the impact of missions on a person's life and how it plays into discipleship. We were also asked to talk about the importance of partnerships when it comes to missions. Let me tell you, this week of preparation has completely touched my heart.

In 2003, my Dad invited me to go on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic that would change the course of my life (the picture above is of that first trip!). It was on that trip with my Dad that I began to develope a love for people, specifically in third world countries, and passion for missions. I have watched my Dad over the years as his heart has grown in incredible ways when it comes to missions, and his passion has been contagious. As My Dad and I began talking the past couple of weeks about how we would handle "team preaching," it was decided that my primary role would be to "tell the stories."

Thursday, I dug out all of my old journals from all the trips I had been a part of since 2003. I had journals from 3 trips to the Dominican Republic, a trip to Costa Rica and Guatemala, and 3 trips to Honduras. As I began to read through those journals in my office, I couldn't keep the tears away! I could not believe the things that I read, and more importantly the constant thread of God shaping my heart over the years. I was completely blown away in particular, how God has used those experiences to birth this dream of adoption over the past 9 years. It is crazy to read journal entries about adopting, before we ever even decided to adopt.

We had spoke last night at the convention, and then we had the opporunity to speak in both of the services at my Dad's church this morning. As we shared the stories of lives being changed through missions, including our own, our hearts were overwhelmed. I had put together a slide show with images from many of the stories I had shared. My Dad and I sat next to each other and wept like babies...our hearts have truly been touched.

I am going to post a link the message as well as the video later this week, but wanted to blog tonight to say this, "God has blessed our life in an unbelievable way." I feel incredibly blessed with have gotten to journey through missions next to a Dad who I believe is one of the most compassionate people I know. I feel incredibly blessed to have gotten to meet missionaries, leaders, pastors, children and teens in these countries who have changed my life. And I have realized today that I am incredibly blessed that I have been given the journey of infertility. I know that sounds crazy, but as I was sitting there today watching those images, I was reminded of how much God has broken and reshaped my heart. I was reminded of how faithful he has been to bring people into my life to walk the journey with me. I was reminded of the time that he has allowed Nate and I to have without children where we have been free to experience the heart of missions. And I was reminded the most tonight of the tapestry he has been weaving in my life this whole time, through pain and waiting, to see a little more of his heart, and to develope and love and passion for orphans. I am incredibly blessed and wouldn't trade this journey for anything.


  1. Beautiful. I just want to hug you. Your heart is so good, Andrea. I can't wait for your arms to be as full as your faith.


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