A Weekend Of Firsts...

One of the greatest things about finally having Biruk home is experiencing all of the "firsts."  This weekend was definitely a weekend filled with first time experiences.  For starters, Biruk and I experienced our very first "Mommy/Son Morning Out," this past Saturday.  As crazy as it seems, Biruk and I haven't really been anywhere by ourselves since we have been home, other than the grocery store.  We tend to do A LOT as a family...me, Nate and Biruk (which I LOVE)...especially now that Nate is a stay at home Dad.  Saturday, Nate had decided to go out with a friend for the morning, so it was just Biruk and I, and I decided that it would be a good idea to take him Christmas shopping with me.  Let me just say, shopping with a one year old is no easy task!  The first couple of shops were great.  And then he had his first meltdown.  Sometimes when I push him in the cart, he just wants to hug me...which I love...the meltdown included a few brief moments of that and a lot more moments of crying.  Thankfully, I had what has become my best friend, baby puffs!  After a few of those, he settled and we quickly hurried to the next store.  That is when I realized, I probably shouldn't have drank so much coffee.  I had to go and there was no waiting.  I know it sounds crazy, but I had no idea how to go to the bathroom and take care of Biruk at the same time.  Do you let him crawl on the stall floor...uh totally unsanitary!  Do you hold him on your lap...tried and failed at that one.  I finally stood him up and leaned him against the toilet paper roll hoping and praying that he would think that was an awesome new toy to play with long enough for me to go and pull my pants up!  We were not only successful, but became pros after visiting the bathroom several more times...thank you Dunkin Donuts...lesson learned!  Overall, the morning was awesome, and as I pushed Biruk through each store, I had to pinch myself a few times and remind myself that long awaited trips to the store with a baby are no longer a something I dream about.  They are my every day privileges and this Momma feels blessed!

This morning's first was on the more challenging side of firsts.  Nate and I had been given free tickets to the Chiefs/Redskins game and were so excited to go (it was going to be our first time to do something by ourselves since coming home with Biruk).  We had an awesome babysitter lined up, Auntie Tasha, and had no reservations.  We went to church, got home, briefed Tasha on all that she needed to know, and hopped in the car to drive to DC.  There was just one problem.  A huge snow/ice storm had started.  As soon as we got in the car, I started worrying.  I wasn't so worried about Nate and I, but the fact that we now had a baby that we were not only responsible for, but crazy head over heels about, made us look at things differently.  The roads were awful, cars were off the side of the highway, and things were just getting worse.  After about 30 minutes, Nate turned and said, "Maybe we should head back.  If it was just us, it would be different. It's a little different when you have a kid at home!"  It might sound funny, but in that experience today, being away from Biruk for the first time, AND being in a situation that was semi-risky, I realized just how much we love that kid!  He has captured our hearts, he has changed our world, and he means everything to us.  I didn't realize how much love you could have for a child...but today I was reminded of that.

Well, the upside to a snowstorm that crushes our plans to cheer on the Chiefs (in a game in which they crushed the Redskins!), is that we got to watch Biruk experience snow for the first time!  After about 15 minutes of trying to bundle him up in snow pants, a jacket, layers, hats, gloves and more, we finally got out the door.  We stuck him in his little pull sled and trekked around the yard.  I am not sure how to describe the look he had on his face, but I think he was a little confused.  He had no idea what he was looking at!  He loved being pulled in the sled, loved eating the snow, and really didn't love being cold....Maryland is A LOT colder than Ethiopia!  It was another first that we have only gotten to dream about until today, and it was awesome.

In a couple of weeks he will experience his first Christmas with us, and as I type, Nate is hanging up our Christmas Stockings.  I have had three stockings in my box of stuff for a long time, and this is the first time we have actually gotten to hang it up...AHHHH!  That brings tears to my eyes:)  The journey was so worth it.  And finally, the biggest news of firsts...Biruk finally has his first tooth poking through!!!!  I discovered it while giving him a bath.  He isn't going to be toothless for Christmas!!!

There have been several times since this Christmas season started that I have been overwhelmed by God's graciousness.  In a season where we will experience an unending list of firsts, I don't ever want to forget who has provided those.  I was reading in I Samuel 1:27-28 the story of Hannah and ran across this verse, "I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.  So now I give him to the Lord.  For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."  It's my prayer that the long lists of first, the stories, the memories and the gratitude that comes with them will all point back to the giver.  We are beyond blessed at God's gift to us this Christmas and pray he will use our family to share his hope.


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