Hope is Born...

I've been avoiding blogging these past several weeks, because I honestly don't feel like words can do the thoughts that are in my heart justice.  For the past several Christmas seasons, I have only been able to imagine and dream about what having a child would feel like.  Last night, as I my family and I headed up to Hershey Park for a night of Chocolate World, Christmas lights and visiting Santa's reindeer, I felt as though I had to pinch myself...what I have been dreaming about for so long is now my reality, and in so many ways, it feels like of what I imagine heaven to be like.

I watched as Biruk slept in his car seat, his little lips pursed in the cutest of ways, and felt teary-eyed again. This is our son!  Hope has come to us this Christmas season.  I watched as my Dad held Biruk in his arms during the Chocolate World Ride, making sure that he saw every little animation that was present, and listened to my Mom calling out in excitement making sure Biruk experienced it all.  Hope has come to our family in a different way this Christmas.  I watched as Biruk sat at Panera with his cousins, all wearing Santa hats, giggling and eating together.  Our hopes and dreams have been fulfilled!

I have been reminded over and over that despite the sadness that we feel at times, despite the hardships we face, despite the days of waiting, despite the periods of mourning we experience, God's light shines in the midst of darkness and hope is born.  We may not get to see it right away, but God's hope is always there.  Throughout our journey, God has allowed us to see glimmers of hope.  He has allowed us to experience his light piercing through our darkness, reminding us that he has not forgotten us.  And this Christmas, he is allowing us to be showered with his hope, goodness and grace.  Christmas this year is more than gift giving, more than traditions, and more than just a dream fulfilled.  It is a deep and indescribable reminder that Christ has come to this world and brought a life changing kind of hope....a hope that some days we will see as small glimmers, and other days we will just be completely soaked in.  We are in a season where we are soaked in his hope and grace.  I am forever grateful for that.

My Dad introduced us to a song last week that speaks of the hope that is born.  It's words are a powerful reminder of God's goodness.  May you feel his hope this Christmas!


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