Thanks for Your Investment...

My  Last Church Board Meeting...Who Doesn't Love a Selfie!
When I took my first job as a Youth Pastor, I had no idea what the next chapter of my life would look like.  I figured that I would probably stay at the church that had called me for 4-5 years and then move somewhere new.  11.5 years later, I just reported to the church board for the very last time as I will be beginning a new assignment in March.  While going to meetings has not ranked on my top 10 list of things I love to do, tonight I felt grateful for the meeting I found myself in because of the people who sat around the table.  They were co-journeyers.  Jesus followers.  Encouragement givers. Mentors.  Believers in youth ministry.  Believers in me.

I am not sure that words can really express my gratitude to the people that sat around that table tonight, or the greater church they represent.  I thought long and hard about how to report in way that would paint a picture of what I'm feeling these days as I get ready to close this chapter.  While my attempt is probably somewhat feeble, it's the best that I can do to share my heart.  I am grateful to Hagerstown Nazarene...heart overflowing grateful...and pray that they would keep investing in young people the way they have in me.

Dear Church Board,

For the past 11.5 years, I have had the honor and privilege of sharing my heart with you as I have navigated the waters of Youth Ministry.  I still remember interviewing with the board at the young age of 24.  I had no idea what I was doing, but you embraced me and made me feel like you believed in me regardless.  I have felt that belief wholeheartedly as you have allowed me to be myself, supported me in whatever I have felt God calling me to, supplied me with the resources I have needed, prayed continually for my family and I, and have celebrated with me when God showed up in both big and small ways (which has happened a lot over these years).

I don’t think that I could have imagined a better first chapter of ministry than the one that God has gifted me with at Hagerstown Nazarene.  I feel like my heart is full of so many amazing moments that only God could have dreamed up…youth retreats where kids came to know Christ for the first time, mission trips to Honduras and other third world countries that literally changed our perspective on life, baptisms that included kids that showed up in our parking lot skating and searching for acceptance, participating in life shaping events like Nazarene Youth Conference, teen camps, and more, leading District Events like Festival of Life, preaching opportunities in different states and different countries, volleyball coaching opportunities that would somehow lead to deep friendships and endless opportunities to share the love of Jesus, mentorship among young adults, trips to Africa for leadership opportunities, a Youth Ministry cohort that challenged my belief in myself and in what God could do, and so much more.  God has been AWESOME and Hagerstown Nazarene Church has been the vessel in which he has taught me so much about life, ministry and his love.

That being said, this is my official resignation letter.  I am praying that God is going to show up in unexpected ways at both Hagerstown Nazarene and Wollaston Nazarene in the months to come.  He has proven himself before and will continue to do so.  We just have to keep being faithful…HE IS AN AWESOME GOD.

Nate, Biruk and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  You have loved our family in incredible ways and have left a mark on our hearts that can’t be erased.  Thanks for being willing to invest in a 24 year old who literally had no idea what she was doing, but knew that God had called her to do it.  You have made the difference in me and my family, and I am forever grateful.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Andrea


  1. Hermana Andrea, aunque solo compartimos 8 dias aqui en Honduras, siento que le conozco de años y le tengo mucho amor, es una gran amiga, puedo ver y sentir que es una mujer que ama a Dios y su obra, es facil ver como Dios esta con usted y su familia, mis oraciones para que Dios le siga utilizando en esa nueva iglesia, le aprecio de todo corazon


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