Home Study This Week...

Tonight I am sitting in a hotel room in Annapolis with my amazing husband writing this blog! We are here, because this is the week of our home study. Tomorrow we will meet with our social worker, who will interview us all about our lives, our family, our upbringing, and our marriage, and then on Wednesday, she'll come out to check out our house, interview our reference, meet our dog (Big Al), and finish with a few more questions. This is a huge step in our journey of adoption! Nate and I celebrated tonight by going to the Melting Pot, which ironically we went to 8 years ago on our 1 year wedding anniversary. We spent a lot of time tonight talking about the future, and remembering all that we have been able to do as a couple of the past 9 years. We both agreed that God has totally been preparing our hearts for this child. Just this past week I was talking with my mom (because I was having a breakdown on this whole lack of a family thing), and she said, "Ang...I truly believe that God has been preparing your heart over these years to really be ready to be a mom. It's almost like these months you are in are like being in pregnancy, only God is preparing your heart rather than your womb." That's a pretty incredible thing to think about. Every step of the way God has been stretching me, molding me, and preparing me to be the best mom I could be to this child to come. I am so grateful for that! More to come soon on the home study process, so stay tuned!


  1. Your mom's still one smart lady! It makes sense to me. You will be an awesome mom...can't go wrong when you have had a mom like Miss Debb! :)

  2. I am so excited for you to keep taking these steps toward your little one :)!


  3. I totally affirm what your mom said to you! God's doing his best work in you during these silent days.

    CONGRATS on your home study interviews this week! That's a HUGE step in the process. Very excited for you guys.

    Have you thought about adopting 2 kiddos!?!? I'm just sayin'... :)


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