A Revelation...

Last night we attended an event called "Orphan Friday." Our friend Jeromy was in charge of it, so when he invited us to come down to his church, we invited our friends Matt and Alicia who are also in the adoption process. We didn't really know what to expect, but were excited to check it out. The night was amazing! We watched a video simulcast (I think that is what it is called), with Francis Chan, Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman, Mark Schultz, and a whole bunch of other people who care deeply about the orphans around the world. Jeromy had told us that he hoped that we would be inspired, but something more than inspiration happened in my life last night.

The past several years, as I have found myself struggling with the pain of infertility, I have always found myself saying, "Maybe God knows that my body can't physically carry a baby. Even though we are "unexplained" in our infertility...he probably knows something is physically wrong that I can't see." As I sat listen to people share about the way that became passionate about helping orphans, I came to a serious realization in my life. I have been called to adopt all along! I know that sounds silly (especially since we are in the middle of the adoption), but I have always seen this adoption process as what we decided to do because we couldn't get pregnant. For the first time in this journey, last night, I felt as though I was created and made to be an adoptive mom! My passions, the way my heart beats, the things I care for...all of those God has put in my heart and created me with...to prepare me to adopt.

I am not sure if this makes sense, and I am not even sure I can totally explain it on a blog. But my heart is incredibly full today. I WAS MADE TO ADOPT! I really believe that with all of my heart. Last night the speakers kept sharing two things...one...there are over 140 million orphans in the world...and two, the church is called to do something about it. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We as the church have a deep responsibility to care for the orphans of this world.

Nate and I had a date day today in Georgetown to go get cupcakes (which were awesome!). I told him in the car..."We are going to adopt more than the ones we are working on right now! Maybe we will build an orphanage some day in a Latin American country that we have traveled to. You never know where God will lead us in the years to come!" Mark it down today...I am going to do everything I can to care for orphans, whatever that might look like.


  1. Hey! I love it. We visited a friends church a few Sunday's ago and it was orphan Sunday! Our friends have adopted 2 boys from Siberia! I am praying for you and Nate and your Beautiful children!

  2. Amen sister!! So glad that God spoke to you and gave you a clear vision. You will do amazing things for orphans! I have thought that about you for a while now...that you AND Nate were made to adopt. I think that is why they haven't been able to find anything 'wrong' with you. God wants you to know that you are perfect and He wants you to adopt...that's it. Thanks for making me smile tonight and for challenging me to love others with Christ's love.

  3. I am so excited that God has made you feel so full about this :)! I feel the same way! A lot of people think my hubby and I are weird because we haven't tried to have biological children yet, but like you I was MADE to adopt. My heart was made to love orphans and advocate for them. Praise God :)! Excited for you!


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