His Name is Great...

For some reason, this week has been hard in the waiting process. It's one of those weeks where I can't stop asking God...how much longer? We were at a lacrosse game of some of our students in our youth group tonight, and I just longed to have a family to be sitting with. I know God is in control...I know his timing is perfect...but some days my heart hurts more than others. My sister sent me this verse this morning from Isaiah 14:24 "Surely, as I have planned so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand...For the Lord Almightly has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?" It was a reminder that God hasn't forgotten us and he certainly has not forgotten the orphans in Ethiopia.

As I was journaling this week, a Natalie Grant song came on the radio that reminded me not only does God have a plan, but at the mention of his name alone, the sick are healed, the dead are raised, the fatherless find their rest, every fear has no place, and all the weak find their strength. That is an incredible truth that I totally needed to hear. So many days I feel weak and powerless in this process. This song reminded me simply...remember the God you love and don't underestimate him.


  1. Sitting on my couch tonight thinking of you...sending love and prayers. Thanks for also reminding me that we serve an almighty God.


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