Wow...I had thought that when our Dossier was officially in, that would mean an easier wait. Was I ever wrong! I don't know why, but these days of waiting seem to go by ridiculously slow. I guess it's because we are dealing with a system where we have no control over timing or outcomes. Having no control over a situation is NOT fun. It's funny, because I really think I am in this season of surrender. A couple of weeks ago, while at the 30 Hour Famine event with our teens, my car got broken into. It was like 6:00pm at night in this rural parking lot, and the person just shattered the whole window and stole my purse (I know I shouldn't leave a purse on the seat, but I seriously left it for like 20 minutes while I did something in the church). My credit cards were stolen, my license, everything! Not only was my stuff taken, but because the window of our other jeep had shattered the week before (long story on that one too), I actually had nothing to drive. So no credit cards, no license, and now no vehicle. This all came in awesome timing, as Nate and I were ready to head to Chicago for a Youth Ministry Conference. We went to the conference (I actually got my license back, which was awesome), and had a great time together. When we arrived at the Baltimore Airport, guess what? NO LUGGAGE! Seriously, ALL of our luggage was missing. We then went the next 2 days still without credit cards, no car to drive, and no luggage. We did laugh that night...I mean it was really funny when you think about it. That night, I just felt again, God was saying, "Give it all to me...everything." This whole idea of surrender is so hard. We want control...we want what we think we's tough to surrender. Nate and I have been doing this "Daniel Fast" for the past couple of weeks, where we can't eat sugar, artificial sweetner, caffeine, meat,'s like stripping our bodies of everything we have known for food. Ironically, it fits right into this season of "surrender."

D.L Moody says this,
"No one can sum up all God is able to accomplish through one solitary life, wholly yielded, adjusted, and obedient to Him."

I don't want to just give God the things that are easy for me to give. I want to have a life that is so deeply rooted in obedience to whatever he has for me. I am praying that I would continue to let go of the "stuff" that I want control over, even in this time of waiting, and remember that God will accomplish something far greater than I could ever imagine. That's a big prayer...and I am trying to pray it.


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