Skipping Mother's Day

This weekend for me is all about skipping Mother's Day.  While that sounds somewhat harsh, and I may even come across as a little cold, please know that I love mothers, especially my mom and my sisters, and I believe they deserve incredible praise for all that they do on a day to day basis in taking care of their families.  However, Mother's Day is really hard for people who don't have families yet.  While I feel incredibly grateful for my family this weekend, who has chosen to "skip" mother's day with me, knowing the emotional toll infertility puts on a woman, I realize that there will be many people in church tomorrow who will probably feel a lot of what I feel every year as I sit in church on Mother's Day.  So this prayer tonight is dedicated to's dedicated to the women who are in the midst of struggling with infertility dying to be a mom.  It's dedicated to women who are sitting in the midst of an adoption process that feels like it is taking eternity.  It's dedicated to women who are single and dreaming of being married with a family.  It's dedicated to women who have lost children and woman who have just never had a chance to start a family.

"May you realize that even on the most painful days...there is a God who loves you with an incredible amount of love.  May you realize as you painfully's actually in the waiting that your heart is shaped in way that you could have never imagined.  May you realize on the days where you feel like you aren't good enough...there is a God who sees something beautiful in you.  May you realize that even though you may not have children you can call your are probably a mom to more people than you realize.  May you realize on the days where it seems as though every possible person in the world is pregnant...God has not forgotten you.  May you realize that although you may not receive flowers or a card or get recognized in still matter and you are making a difference.  And may you realize that while you may be struggling to hold it together this Mother's Day...there is a God who cradles you in his arms today, calls you his child, and knows and feels your heart."

May you experience God's love and peace this Mother's Day.


  1. thank you for the poem and dedication. I'm glad to have been forwarded your blog from my friend. i have been wondering if there were other christian women like me struggling through infertility and it's nice knowing i'm not alone!


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