An 11th Anniversary...

Eleven years ago today, I married my very best friend.  I still remember meeting Nate for the first time when we  found ourselves on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College for preseason (soccer and volleyball) the fall of 1997.  We could have never dreamed that day all that we would experience in the years to come.  Our life story has been unexpected in every way, a story that only could be written by God himself.

The past three days I have captured pictures in my memory of why I love my husband, Nate so much.  It started Thursday night as I walked in from worship team practice to Nate, sandwiched between the two little Ugandan girls we were hosting from the African Children's Choir, Faith and Dorcus, on the couch, reading bedtime stories.  That moment was priceless as I was reminded just how gifted Nate is with children.

I captured another picture as Nate gathered us together in the living room, circling up to pray (a family tradition that was started by my grandmother), before sending off these two little girls who we had grown to love in a matter of 48 hours.  I was reminded then how blessed I am to be married to a man who loves God with all of his heart.

I captured another picture as we sat side by side at two graduations that day, cheering on several teenagers who had graduated from high school, teenagers whom we have invested many hours in, teens we have grown to love, teens we consider part of our family, teens who we found ourselves so proud of that day.  I was reminded of the gift God has given me in a husband who partners every day with me to invest in students' lives, because that is what God has called us to do.

I captured another picture as we loaded a brand new, vintage, eletrolux vacuum cleaner into our bright green jeep, that I had to get, because it was only $6.  I was reminded in that moment that there is really only one man on the earth who would agree to purchase the most ridiculous things with me...and I am married to him.

I captured a picture as I we sat together at an Ethiopian graduation party, surrounded by those who had now become family to us, because of our process.  In those moments I was reminded of how grateful I am for a husband who had grown a love a passion for adoption with me.

And tonight, as we finished off our 2 graduation ceremonies, and 6 graduation party weekend, I captured one last picture.  It was a picture of compassion, love, and sincerity, as we attended the graduation party of a Haitian girl he taught this past year, one who has come to believe in herself, due to what I believe was the investment of a teacher who saw something in her.  In that moment, I realized that I didn't just marry a teacher, I married a man whose desire is to see every child believe they are valuable.

For that I am blessed. 


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