Updates on Life...

I realized today that it has been almost a month since I last blogged.  While I wish I had awesome news or even some kind of glimmer of hope on our adoption, we find ourselves where we have been the past 15 months..still waiting.  In fact, several weeks ago we began the daunting task of re-doing our home study, our Dossier, and all the fun paperwork that goes along with that, because unfortunately, it has expired in our lengthy wait.  I am not going to lie, it has been a frustrating part of this journey.  In many ways, it feels as though we are walking in place, not getting anywhere.  On the flip side, we keep reminding ourselves that God has the ultimate plan, and we are believing in our hearts that this journey will have an end/new beginning in the months to come, when we finally get the call that we have been matched.

This past month has somewhat been a whirlwind.  We started it with graduation celebrations and a big out of school bash with the youth group.  The following day, we took our first vacation of the summer, an 8 night cruise to Bermuda, Boston and Rhode Island (yes, I realize the whole being in Boston on a cruise is really weird, but we got an awesome deal!), with some of our best friends, Dan and Kim.  The week was amazing and exactly what Nate and I needed.  It was 8 days of rest, relaxation, laying in the sun, creating memories, and laughing until we cried.  I realized that week how much I need to remember to laugh in the midst of our waiting.  It seriously does something to your heart.

We returned from our cruise, and that night, two of my really good friends from college, Toni and Kerry, came in to stay with us a for the weekend.  Both friends were in our wedding, and I had been bugging them for the past 8 years we have lived in Maryland to come visit.  They finally came!  We packed a ton into the weekend, and I realized just how much I have missed them.  We spent hours reminiscing about college memories and again laughed until we cried.  We stayed up like we were freshman in college again (which we are not...we are truly getting old), and made the most of every ounce of time we had together.  Those girls reminded me of how grateful I am for friends that know me, love me, and support and encourage both Nate and I along some of the hardest parts of our journey.

Now my sister, Heather, and my two nieces, Quinn and Emma, are here for a few days.  We have already filled the days with staying up late, fixing dinner together, hanging out at Vacation Bible School, swimming in our kiddie pool, and walking to Sonic.  I couldn't be happier!

People tell us all the time that our life is busy...and yes, we realize that!  I like to tell people, "We are taking advantage of all of this waiting time we have been given!"  While I don't love waiting, I am trying to stay positive, trying to enjoy life as best as I can, and constantly praying for our little ones.  I find myself praying for their safety, praying that they would feel loved, and praying that they would know there are two people on the other side of the world who are already ecstatic about becoming their forever family.


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