Never Underestimate...

It's hard to believe that we are already into the month of November.  I remember thinking at the start of the school year, right after finding out that our wait time had been extended, the next several months of our life while we wait are going to drag on.  Thanks to it being volleyball season, a season where my life is officially overtaken by the world's greatest sport, I can say, "The past few months have flown!"

It's been a weird couple of months for me.  I keep wanting to sit down and blog, but have felt somewhat stuck.  Not much has happened in our process other than the fact that we can throw in a couple of extra months that we have officially been waiting.  On November 11, it will be 20 months to be exact.  I really haven't felt overwhelmed in the waiting process these past few months.  I am not sure if that's because I have kept busy with volleyball, or I have just given up all control of the process (which I don't ever think I had anyway!).  I feel helpless in many ways.  In fact, I think Nate and I both feel that way.  We have one wait it out and trust that God's plan will prevail...despite our not knowing.

I was reading a new devotional book last week and the writer said this, "When we understand just how little we can do, coupled with our faith in ALL THAT GOD CAN DO, we are opening the door for him to work."  Well, I can confidently say...I can't do anything, but the door is wide open for God to show up in a big way!  I just finished reading the book of Job (yes, I realize you have to read like 40 chapters of depressing-ville to get to the good part) and have so been reminded that God can do an awful lot, and we often underestimate him.  Job 37:14b-16 says this, "Stop and consider God's wonders.  Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightening flash?  Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who is perfect in knowledge?" answer to those questions are NO!  God has been reminding me these days of who he is.  I feel like he keeps nudging me saying, "Hellllllooooo....I created you.  I have not forgotten you.  Remember who I am."  I don't know about you, but I want to stop underestimating God, and start expecting big things (and by the way, I am applying this very same lesson to our volleyball team advancing through all the play-off games to the state finals!).  After all, "...he can do all things and no plan of his can be thwarted (Job 42:2).  I can't wait to see his plan unfold.


  1. Your faith and trust in the Lord are inspiring.
    I am reminded of a passage in the book of Joshua (and a sermon/book by Pastor Steven Furtick). Joshua was praying to God to make the sun stand still...something pretty impossible in the eyes of any one of us. But Joshua wasn't afraid of praying for the impossible and the Lord wasn't intimidated by the magnitude of this request. Isn't it amazing what our God is capable of doing--and willing to do--in our lives? Thank you for reminding us of the incredible things He has done, is doing, and will you and Nate, and in each and every one of us. :)

  2. Anjoli...your kind words have meant so much throughout my posts. I love this reminder of Joshua. Thanks for being a source of encouragement on my journey!


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