Directions Needed...

I should totally be going to bed, but had to blog about what just happened.  Nate and I have been attempting to pack Biruk's suitcase for the past 3 hours.  We have decided to go on vacation tomorrow with our family, hoping and praying that we will get approved by embassy and leave from vacation to go straight to Ethiopia.  So, we are packing EVERYTHING.

Seeing that it is our first baby, we are new at EVERYTHING.  Not only are we new at everything, but we have only met our son once, and he is growing like crazy.  We are attempting to pack the right sizes, pack the right items, and pack enough of everything.  We are praying we haven't forgotten anything!  Well, we know that we have to bring a lot of diapers.  In fact, people have recommended bringing 80-100 diapers, so that is exactly what we are doing.  Someone had given us a box of 136 diapers (size 3), and we decided it would be best if we just brought the whole thing.  When we got them in the suitcase, they took up the entire suitcase.  Nate says to me, "Maybe we shouldn't bring them all.  Let's take out some.  He cuts the box open, hands me the stack of diapers and then we both realize it.  Neither of us really know how these diapers go on.  This is how the conversation went down.

Me:  How do these go on anyway?
Nate (laughing):  I don't know, but we probably should figure it out before we get there.
Me:  Do the tabs go in the front or the back...wait, I think Elmo's head goes in the front.
Nate: definitely goes in the back.
Me:  I don't think so.  Wait...maybe the kid on the box is wearing a pair.  Nope.  He isn't.
Nate:  Aren't there any directions?
Me (while searching the empty box):  I don't see any.
Nate:  Check the sides and back.  Maybe it tells you there.
Me:  I don't think so.  Maybe they figure that by the time you get to using size 3 you should know!

We both die laughing.  Apparently pampers has not considered new parents who are adopting a 7 month old baby.  Nate and I both look over at a brand new doll that someone gave us this weekend for Biruk.  The same thought goes through both of our heads.  Maybe...just maybe...we can practice on the doll.  So we do.  And we still have no idea if we did it right.  This is going to be one entertaining journey!


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