God is Never Done...

There have been so many amazing moments we have been able to have with Biruk since bringing him home almost 7 months ago.  Just this past week, as I was sitting on the floor playing with Biruk, we had one of those "mommy/son" moments that melted my heart.  We were watching the Today Show (which we do every morning), when they began to highlight the three US snowboarders who swept the slopestyle ski event at the Olympics the night before.  They proceeded to show the medal ceremony with all three skiers on the podium and the National Anthem blasting in the background.  All of a sudden, Biruk stopped playing, scooted up next to me and grabbed a hold of my hand.  He held it during the whole song!  I am not sure why, but in that moment, I was reminded just how incredible this journey that God has allowed us to walk really is.  Last year at this time, Biruk was half way around the world, sharing a crib with another baby, while we were praying that God would open the doors for us to be matched with a child.  We prayed, we fasted, and we believed with all of our heart that God had a plan.  Even on the hardest days when we felt like giving up, God reminded us with his gentle whisper that he had called us to adopt.  And so we waited and we believed that his plan would be perfect.  If you have spent any time with Biruk, you know, the journey was totally worth it!

I think about children who are without a home all the time.  I think about Biruk's little crib mate on the other side of the world.  I think about the older children in the orphanage who sang to us at Biruk's goodbye ceremony, many who will spend the majority of their childhood life in an orphanage.  I think about the children who have been born with HIV who desperately need medical care that could change the course of their life.  I think about kids in our own foster care system who bounce from one home to another, searching to be loved.  And those thoughts are thoughts that keep me up at night.

If I am honest, life with Biruk has been pretty sweet!  We haven't faced a lot of challenges (which I know will come at some point in time), the transition has been pretty smooth, and we are seeing the attachment that we were hoping for.  It would be so easy for us to say, "Well, we did our part.  We listened to the call of God.  We went on that really hard and long journey.  And life is good now."  There is just one problem.  I think about those children all the time...and I think about verses like James 1:27 that say, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Something tells me God is done calling us to things yet.  Tonight, I ran across this powerful video and wept at my computer.  The lyrics say, "Jesus hears the orphan.  He is moving heaven and earth.  All for one little boy/girl."  The song challenges and asks the listener, "Will you go and rescue him/her."  I don't want to spoil the end of the video, but I will say this, it's a powerful picture of what I believe Jesus is calling all of us to do...rescue his children all around the world.

God...may break our hearts with the things that break yours, and move us to action.


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