For Those Who Need Hope This Christmas...

Our Hope Endures from carly beee productions on Vimeo.

Christmas is one of my most favorite seasons of the year. This week I have been able to come home and spend a few days with my family before I leave for Honduras, and it has been great. I feel really thankful this Christmas that every step of this journey Nate and I have been on, God has walked with us, and never left us. He has given us hope every time, regardless of what circumstances we have found ourselves in. I am celebrating this Christmas a God who deeply loves us and cares for us in a way that we won't ever be able to wrap our heads and hearts around. It is pretty amazing! For some, this Christmas has been marked with some unwanted circumstances. Just this week, as we were traveling down to Bel Air, I found out two teenagers had from the school I coach at, and one from the school that I work with their FCA at. There are now two families who find themselves in "unwanted" circumstances. I also found out this week that a friend who I have been connected with across the country, who has been a huge source of inspiration during our infertility journey got some disappointing news. She and her husband, along with several other families were to travel this morning to Ethiopia to pick up and bring home their children. Those plans have been put on hold and there is a deep sense of disappointment. They are smack in the middle of some very "unwanted" circumstances. Last year at Christmas, while I was dealing with grief, anger, and just plain hopelessness after our third and final IUI, I stumbled on this song. I was reminded as the words say, "Sometimes the sun stays hidden for years, sometimes the sky rains night after night, when will it clear? But our hope endures the worst of conditions. It's more than our optimism. Let the earth quake. Our hope is unchanged." So, whatever circumstance you find yourself in this Christmas...if you are needing hope this Christmas...may you be reminded that NOTHING can take away the hope that is find in Christ. He loves you deeply...he walks with you every step...he feels your pain with you. He is EMMANUEL...GOD WITH US. And NOTHING can take that from you.


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