Bear Claws, Bike Rides, and Just Being Valued...

As I write, I am in Fort Myers, Florida, enjoying the best sunshiny day ever. Well, it's the end of the day and it's dark outside, but I definitely enjoyed the whole day until that crazy sun went down. My mom laughed at me, because she had to coerce me to come in for dinner, because I wouldn't leave the outdoors until the sun was officially gone. I have been waiting for sunshine and warmth since the winter began in Maryland.

Mom and I started a tradition a few years ago to come to Florida for 3-4 days together right before Easter and stay out our good friends' house. She had decided to make it a special trip for just her and I until I have children. I look forward to it every single year and basically have the same routine every day. We bike to the grocery store early in the morning to get our favorite pastry, an almond bear claw, head to McDonalds for coffee and sweet tea, and then hit every thrift store we can get to...all within biking distance. Then we come home change into our swimsuits, pack a lunch and head to the beach until we come home for dinner. We then go back out, bike some more until it's too dark to see, come home and crash! Today, we biked about 15 miles!

I love this time with my mom. If you know anything about my mom, she is on the go A LOT...people say I am a lot like her! Mom and I don't often pause long enough to just rest and relax in our every day life, so this four days is all about that. I sat on the beach today with her and we talked about life (Mom wanted me to get in the water, but there were visible sting rays every where, and there was no way I was getting in!)

I shared with my mom some things that Nate and I had been talking about...the desire to be a family that actually has time for each other, the desire to teach our kids to appreciate the small things in life, the desire to not be on the go all the time, the desire to make life so special. I also shared with her financial fears, inadequacy fears, and just plain living in the unknown fears. My mom reminded me that God has ordained this plan and we just have to trust that he has all the answers. She reminded me of my childhood, and all the ways that God provided there.

As I talked with my Mom, I realized how much of a gift Nate and I have been given in the families we grew up in. Nate grew up in a family where his mom was home all the time and loved on her children. They spent summers in New Hampshire at their family cottage, and have memories that will forever be etched in their hearts. Traditions were made every day, and I believe that Nate has a deeper appreciation for life because of the special moments his mom and dad created.

I grew up in a home where we did not have a lot, but as children, we never knew the difference between rich or poor. My parents made every moment matter. They instilled values in us that have continued to shape us today. They went out of their way to make us feel incredibly loved and matter how little we had. I remember as a kid having the most amazing birthday parties. My mom made little shoebox lunches, complete with .49 McDonalds hamburgers for my friends and I as she took us to the skating rink for a birthday celebration. She reminded me today that she did those things because we didn't have enough money to do "expensive" birthday parties at places like Chuckee Cheese, and she wanted us to feel special.

I don't even totally know where I am going with this blog tonight...probably too much sun! I guess I just was reminded that it doesn't matter how little money we might have, or how inadequate we may feel as new parents. What matters is that we follow God's plan, we love on our children, we stay rich in tradition, we keep creating memories that will last a life time, and make our kids understand that they are unbelievably valued. That's what Nate and my parents have so graciously given us. And as I wake up tomorrow morning, hop on my bike with my mom to get our little almond bear claw, I know my heart will be overflowing with gratefulness....and that's worth blogging about.


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