Let the Tea Times Roll...

I don't think my night could be complete if I didn't give you a small picture of what is going on at my parents' house. Nate and my Dad just returned from loading up 9 round tables at the church (yes this was done at 11pm tonight). My sister Heather, who is due to have a baby in less than 3 weeks left about an hour ago, after chopping up enough green and red peppers for an army...all to go in little hand rolled pinwheel sandwiches. My sister Kristen has been sitting at the table rolling the 100 little sandwiches...after we just ran to the grocery for the 90th time. And my mother...the ring leader of it all...I am just not sure how to put into words what she has been doing for the night! Oh, and currently my Dad is debating whether he should go to bed. The thing stopping him...a chance to sample the scones. Heaven forbid he misses out on another sampling of our masterpieces! All for what? Our Fundraiser Tea tomorrow! I have an amazing family. I know that I say that a lot, and often they drive me crazy, but it never ceases to amaze me how much each of them are willing to do to bring our kids home. I wish I could say I am signing off for the night, but honestly, I don't want to miss the scone tasting either. More to post tomorrow, and I am sure it will be good.


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