Celebrating 10 Years and Still Counting...

Last Thursday we celebrated our 10 year Wedding Anniversary! It's hard to believe that ten years has already passed. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was chasing (or "Stalking" as my teens say when we retell the story of how we met) Nate on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College. Time flies and we feel extremely blessed by all that we have been able to experience over the past 10 years.

Nate and I spent the weekend camping in Williamsburg. We went to Busch Gardens, shopped, had late night runs to Sonic, and ate at the world's greatest Chinese Buffet (seriously...it has a sushi train!). But more than making our tummies fatter, we had the chance to just be reminded of how much we love this marriage that God has blessed us with. Here are a few of my favorite things:

It's the little things in life that make us happy...like late night runs to Sonic
We can make the best of any situation...
We laugh about the stupidest stuff...
We bring out the best in each other...
We recognize how important the time we get to spend with each other really is...
We dream together...
We live and learn together...
We share similar passions...
We love to eat...that's a plus!
We are willing to take risks together...we rode a roller coaster while it was lighting at Busch Gardens...maybe that wasn't the smartest!
We love serving together
We love doing life with each other

As we were riding back in our non air conditioned car, for 4 hours, we decided to create a list of memories from the past 10 years of our marriage. (First because it's awesome to remember, second, because we were dying of heat and needed our mind taken off of that and had exceeded the amount of Iced Teas that could keep us away!) We wrote places where we had been, funny stories that had happened, events we had been a part of. Just as I had finished the list and started to doze off, the paper flew three quarters out of the window. With my volleyball reflexes, I snagged it before the wind took it, and saved what we had worked on for two hours! Here are a few of what we came up with...

Traveling to the Dominican Republic for our very first youth mission trip
Driving 3.5 hours to get to a D and D while living in KC...all the way to Branson, MO
Cooking our very first turkey
Camping at Yogi and forgetting our sleeping bag, pillows, while rain leaked into our tent
Combing the beach with our family at 12am in search for a missing wedding band
Traveling to Honduras for missions
Seeing the Chiefs play for the first time
Having the Chiefs coach come to our graduation party
Surprising Nate with a Cruise to Cozumel
Cruising with the Daniels to the Bahamas
Audio A concert...singing up on stage
Ice Storm in KC...no power for 10 days!
Getting snowed in with our sister for 3 days
Disney with Mom and Dad
Summers at Alton Bay and Stone Harbor
Starbucks becoming a fixture in our life...due to my job there
Surviving a Hail Storm while in Panera
Roller skating party in Grandview, MO...enough said
Coaching Volleyball together
Car getting stolen and taken on a high speed chase in KC
Nate teaching at Milton Moore...inner city Kansas
Playing co-ed softbal and co-ed volleyball together
Driving into the garage door of one of our teens!
Driving to Mall of America
Countless concerts with our teens
Tons of trips to Cheesecake factory for our favorite "Factory Mud Pie"
Youth Workers Retreat in Stone Harbor
Youth Worker Conferences in Nashville, Atlanta, Chicago and Cincinnati
Making so many amazing friendships
Driving to Nashville with Jenny and Audrey from KC...all for a few hours of time there
Watching Project Hope unfold at Milton Moore Elementary
Endless D and D runs
Signing our first adoption papers...
Watching God continue to bring us into places we would have never imagine...

The list could go on and on...it does...someday we will write more. As Nate and I finished out our time at Busch Gardens, we agreed that we have now entered a new chapter, a new decade, of our life. And we can't wait to see the pages of memories that are written.


  1. Congrats guys! I'm glad you've been married! You two are a blessing to so many people.


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