Father's Day...Part 2

This morning I called my Dad as early as possible to wish him Happy Father's Day. It's tradition that my sisters and I try to be the first one to wish him Happy Father's Day, and this morning I believe I won due to the fact that I was up at 6:15am to preach in 3 services.

I feel incredibly blessed to have the Dad that I do. My Dad is so much more than a Father to me. He is a hero to me. I don't think he is told often enough just how much of a difference he makes in this world, but he really does. He has touched the lives of so many people, I am not even sure that he understands his impact. He is one of the most compassionate, loving, and non-judgemental people I know. He has a love for those around the world, a desire to see others be a part of God's kingdom, a desire to see young people make a difference for God, and just a huge gigantic kind of faith.

I have watched as my Father has been a pastor for the past 30 years of my life, and I am amazed every day at what he does. He has become my mentor as I have become a Pastor, and more than that, has become my biggest cheerleader.

So Dad...for all the times that you have worked hard to make a difference in this life, loved on the world around you, and encouraged me in ways I couldn't write...I thank you and want you to know how much I love you. I can't wait for our kids to know their Pop-Pop!


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