Father's Day...Part 1

Tomorrow Dads all across the world will celebrate Father's Day. I have been thinking a lot about Nate today, as tomorrow will probably be hard to some degree. I think when we think about the infertility journey, we think a lot about the way we as women who are hoping to conceive feel on Mother's Day, but don't talk much about how the men feel on Father's Day. Infertility is a shared road when it comes to a marriage. The heartache, the brokenness, the disappointment...it's all shared, whether our husbands talk much about it or not.
I just wanted to take a minute and say how thankful I am for Nate. He is a truly an incredible man of God. I have watched as he has spent the last 10 years of his life pouring into kids as an elementary teacher. He wasn't just a teacher, he was a mentor to each one of them...instilling values, love, and encouragement each day. I have watched as he has poured love into my nieces and our nephews. He has an incredible way with children, or as I would call it, a gift that can only be given by God. I have watched as he has poured into the teens in our youth group, giving advice, but more importantly, loving on them as though they were his own.
I am so proud of my husband. He has been a father to so many people, and he probably doesn't even realize it. I am grateful...so I behalf of all the kids and teenagers in the world, thanks Nate for making a difference in so many lives.
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