Pancake Blessings...

A couple of months ago, one of my youth leaders, Vickie,(who is also a really good friend), came to me and told me that her small group really wanted to do something for Nate and I to help toward our adoption. Their idea was to do a pancake breakfast at the church. With the calendar being full, the only weekend available was Memorial Day Weekend. I knew a lot of families would be away, and Nate and I were also going to be camping for the weekend. She insisted that they put it on anyway because the girls were really excited to help.
Nate and I actually came from camping to attend the breakfast for the last part. When we arrived, we saw these amazing signs out front (thanks Julia for the incredible drawing of the pancakes), welcoming people to a "Pancake Fundraiser...for a good cause!" By the time we came, the parking lot was empty, and there were only about 5 people there, 2 of the small group girls, Vickie, and our friend Sarah. We walked in and were greeting by these huge smiles from the girls, completely and totally excited because over 70 people had come out that morning to support the adoption. All in all, they raised $675!
So Vickie, Courtney, Krystal, and Julia, thank you so much not just for making us eat a huge pile of the best pancakes ever, but for being a part of our journey and choosing to serve above and beyond. You guys are amazing and we love you more than you'll know.
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