Kings and Queens...Princesses and Princes

This morning as I opened my eyes to a brand new day, my mind was filled with the lyrics to a song that has somewhat remained etched in my heart these past few weeks.  It's a song by one of my favorite bands, Audio Adrenaline, called "Kings and Queens."  My Dad had heard it on the radio awhile back and asked if I had heard it.  At that time, I hadn't.  Several weeks later, I can't get the song out of my head...and I am not sure that I ever want it out of my head.  It has not only served as a reminder of what we are called to do as God's people, but it has hit home in a way that I would have never imagined, as Nate and I prepare our hearts for the first time we will meet little Baby B in Ethiopia.  Part of the lyrics say this:

Little hands, shoeless feet, lonely eyes looking back at me
Will we leave behind the innocent too brief
On their own, on the run when their lives have only begun
These could be our daughters and our sons
And just like a drum I can hear their hearts beating
I know my God won’t let them be defeated
Every child has a dream to belong and be loved
Boys become kings, girls will be queens
Wrapped in Your majesty
When we love, when we love the least of these
Then they will be brave and free
Shout your name in victory
When we love when we love the least of these

The past several years of my life, I have had the privilege of visiting several orphanages in Honduras.  As I was journaling this morning, I looked up at this huge collage my sister had given me for Christmas that had pictures of so many of the children we have met in those places.  No matter how often we return, the need is overwhelming and our hearts continue to break in those places.  This past March, we had the opportunity to do a Vacation Bible School in one of the children's orphanages.  As we were singing, I looked at the faces of so many children who seemed to have been forgotten.  We watched as a little girl with down-syndrome, about the age of 5 or 6, begged the men to dance with her throughout the VBS songs.  I colored with a set of twins who were 10 years old, who had been dropped off at the orphanage just a few months earlier.  While I do not know their story, I know that they have a desire to be loved and belong.

I have three nieces who I consider to be "princesses" in the world.  As a family, we love them unconditionally  and think the world of them.  I also have 3 nephews who in a sense are our "little princes."  As a family, we do everything we can to love them unconditionally and we think the world of them.  I now have a son who is half way around the world, living in an orphanage until we can come and get him.  While he has just turned 5 months and is probably not deeply aware of the setting he finds himself in, I still wonder...does he know he is a king?

"Every child has a dream to be loved and belong."  It's not unusual for me to see the faces of so many of the children we have met in the orphanages of Honduras, in my mind as I go about my day.  While I do not know each of their stories, I do know that every little girl desires in her heart of hearts to be a princess and every little boy desires to be a king.  We are called to love.  We are called to have our hearts broken for the things that break the heart of God.  And we are called to respond.

Nate and I could have never imagined the crazy story that would unfold when we allowed our hearts to be broken for the things God cares about.  It still completely blows us away to think about it.  But my prayer this morning is that the breaking wouldn't stop with one adoption of a little baby boy half way around the world.  My prayer is that God would not let us forget the faces and the stories of so many kids we have met and he would continue to call us into action.  In the mean time, we are preparing to bring home one of God's little Kings, one who we believe has not been forgotten.


  1. This is such a beautiful song & I am so glad that you shared this with us - along with your entire story (up-til-now) in completing your family!!! Can't wait to hear more over the coming months and years to come!!! I love the bookmark and say a prayer whenever I glance at it (many-many times each day).
    Love you both & your growing family!!! Barb


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