Why Ethiopia?

I stumbled across this video on someone else's blog...so I totally can't take credit, and you'll notice their "personal touch" at the end of the video. A lot of people have asked why we are adopting from Ethiopia. We wanted to adopt from a third world country where we knew there was a lot of need. This video puts "need" in a totally different perspective. We can listen to the statistics and say they are too overwhelming, or we can trust that we serve a God that is bigger than statistics. I was sharing with my youth group last night that we expect God to just fix poverty and hunger, because he is God and he can! The crazy thing is, God doesn't work that way. He actually invites us to be a part of his work. That's pretty amazing...to think that the Creator God wants us to work alongside of him, helping to restore a broken world. So, my hope and prayer is, as each of us watch this video and listen to the lyrics of this powerful song, we would begin to ask God to "break our hearts with the things that break his," and we wouldn't just be content to be broken, but we would be inspired to do something to make a difference.


  1. I struggle with why God allows so much hurt, hunger, true poverty etc.. I do a lot of "why God?" questioning rather than looking at it from your angle. Rather than spending so much time questioning, I need to move into more of an action mode of "working alongside of Him" to help. You are an inspiration to me.

  2. Andrea -- I spent an hour on the phone with your mom today. She shared some of your journey as well as your blog address which I've happily spent the last 30 minutes visiting. I am blessed by your genuine, godly honesty through this journey and am so excited to see how God will continue to work this miracle in your life.
    Many blessings,
    Kristi Kronz

  3. God is a God who is WAY bigger than statistics!

    "WE WILL BE YOUR LOVE"-- awesome. So much theology packed in this one line.



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