Choosing Thankfulness...

It's hard to believe that it is November already. When we started this whole adoption process, we thought for sure we would have brought home kids by now. We haven't even been matched yet, we are having to evaluate and make decisions about what ages we are open to, and frankly, it's discouraging some days! At the same time, we are learning to take one day at a time, we are taking advantage of the time we have together as a couple, and we are imagining on a daily basis what it will be like when we get that call and all the changes that are going to come.

It's a season of unknowns, a season of frustration at times, a season where "waiting" has become second nature, and a season where it is much easier to focus on what's not happening rather than all the good things that are happening. So, in honor of Orphan Awareness Month (in case you didn't know, it's the month of November), and in the season of Thanksgiving, I want to try to blog as many days as possible during the month of November on things I am thankful for or good things that take place in a given day. I am sure that I won't be able to blog every day, but I am going to do as many days as possibe. So here goes...

Today I am thankful for two things. The first is the opportunity to coach volleyball. Tonight, we had a fluke game. We had thought we ended the JV season last Thursday, and wound up getting a phone call from a school that we were supposed to play last night. Long story short, we gathered the team back up and played again, and won again! We now will finish the season 10-4. I love coaching. There is something about it that brings so much joy to my life. I think part of that is the fact that I don't have kids and I get to be a small part of the girls' lives. I love to watch them grab a hold of dreams and go after them, I love to watch them grow as young women, and I love to stand back at the end of a match and just be proud of what they have accomplished as a team. I believe in those girls (both JV and Varsity), and count it a privilege to coach. It seriously brings me joy!

The second thing I am thankful for is kids who remind us what matters in life. So yesterday, I was in a thrift store with my mom when this boy about 9 years old comes in. He asks the lady at the counter if they accept donated bikes. She says to him, "Yes." He then says, "Would you give me money for it." The woman tells the boy, "No, we don't give money for items. We just accept donations." He looks at her and says, "Well, can I donate my bike then? ful It's a really nice bike." She says, "Of course." At this point in time, he knows that he isn't going to get any money, but he has decided to donate the bike anyway, rolls the bike in, and it' really nice. He gives it up to the lady. While this whole thing is going down, there is a lady watching. She looks at the boy and hands him a crisp $10 bill, and says, "That's for being so kind." The boy ran to the back of the store, picked out this hideous, gigantic, $5 animal cage and a snorkel set. My heart was strangely warmed!

It's really easy to get wrapped up in what's not happening fast enough in our life, or dwell on things we are disappointed about. But it takes a concious decision to look for the good in our world, two choose a heart of gratitude, and to remind ourselves of all the blessings God continues to pour out. I want to be a person who chooses to look for those things. Today is just the beginning.


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