
First of all, I want to say thank you to all of those who sent texts, emails, and facebook messages to let us know you were praying for us today. That means the world to us. We did get a chance to talk to our social worker as well as the person who does all of the matching for referrals at the big agency office. She basically confirmed the facts that we had already heard. They are seeing very few referrals for sibling groups that include an infant, very few referrals for sibling groups under the age of four, and the wait proess is extra long for those (possibly 15 months for a sib group under 4, and we have been waiting for about 8 months). She told us there are about 7 other families asking for the very same thing we are, which may not seem like a lot, but is a lot due to the infrequency of seeing these referral. One of the things they suggested we pray on is opening up our preferences to say we are willing to take a sibling group or an infant referral, depending on what comes along, and what they feel is the best match. This would be a serious change for us, because we could only wind up with one. So...all that to say, we are praying through this process and would love for everyone to be praying with us. We want to do what God wants us to do, and sometimes it is hard to understand what that is.


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