Update and Prayer Needed...

I am getting ready to leave in 30 minutes to go away for the weekend with a group of teenagers called to ministry, but felt like I needed to blog, because honestly, I need you to lift Nate and I up in prayer. This past week, Nate and I officially made the decision to open up our age range for what we are asking for in regards to our referral (the match of children). Up until this point, we have been very set in getting an infant. After our agency informed us that they were not seeing a lot of infant/toddler referrals, if any at all, we began to pray that God would open our hearts to what we should do. We decided several days later we were open to a sibling group that did not include an infant.

That was a huge step for me, one who has struggled with infertility the past several years, one who has been looking forward to holding a baby, and one whose been imagining what it is like to have a little one in the home. But thank God, he brought me to a place where I could be open and release that last desire. I can't begin to describe to you the peace I felt this past week. I have just had an insurmountable joy, a deeper faith, and an excitement and anticipation that God is going to do something great.

Then we got a phone call last night. Our agency is saying that the new age range we picked for our sibling group, even without the specification for an infant, is not really being seen either. We now have a conference call on Monday at 12pm to discuss what they have been seeing, what our options are, and we will have to make a decision.

I am struggling with this. Nate and I know without a doubt God has called us to adopt a sibling group. We could easily change that and go back to one infant, but in a way that goes against where we have felt led. We don't even really know what ages are available for the sibling groups, and won't really know that until Monday, but you can imagine that all the different scenarios are flying through my head. I am overwhelmed.

Yesterday, when I came into work, I was talking to one of my secretaries, who has become a major prayer warrior, sharing with her how full of joy I felt. I told her that I felt like by releasing this desire to have an infant in our house, God could work and bring us the perfect match, and that I was so expectant. I shared with her the disappointment I was feeling this morning (I am sure she thinks I am an emotional roller coaster all the time:)), and she said, "Pastor Andrea...I am going to choose to believe different. God is going to answer your prayers. Let faith arise...let faith arise, Pastor Andrea."

Last week, before our last play-off game, I gave each girl on the volleyball team a mustard seed and reminded them how important it was to have faith in each other, even if it's faith the size of a mustard seed. When planted, as small as it is, it grows into this powerful mustard tree, that becomes strong enough to knock a wall over, because the roots grow so deep. A mustard seed is pretty small...but crazy powerful.

This morning I am praying for that kind of faith...letting faith arise...faith in the God who knows me, loves me, and has the plan. I choose to be THANKFUL for the plan, even when I can't see it this morning.


  1. Anrea,

    God has placed you and Nate on mine and Jeremy's heart lately. We have been praying for you and know that God will prove Himself faithful...once again! Keep holding on to that mustard seed faith!

    Kristen Patnode

  2. Coach,

    I have been doing my best to follow your journey while I'm away at school. You and Nate and two of the most amazing people I know! God is with you always. I know that it's been a difficult road. Keep in mind the feeling you'll have the first time you hear "Mom," or the first time you read a bedtime story and tuck in your children. Until then, I will continue to pray for you, so that you may finally have these precious little moments.

    Always with love and admiration,

  3. Andrea...Im sure you have seen and heard, but Jarrod and I not only adopted a sib group, but a sib group of ages of 5-7-9...it has been quite a transition but one that I truly would never change. they are awesome...and I believe God placed them with us at the exact right time...5-7-9 year olds still want all the nurturing and cuddling you can give...and when you finally get the kids that will be yours, you will know without a doubt, and all your fears and anxiety will be forgotten....Ill be praying for you guys this weekend as well!
    Love you both!

  4. I stand in agreement with your co-worker - LET FAITH ARISE. Faith is a noun and a verb, and when you feel you cannot act upon it, God will still give it to you. You day will come and you will be in awe of your good God!


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