The Past Five Years...

Well the time has finally arrived for Nate and I to start a blog. It's definitely going to be a journey, because it took us at least 3 days to name the blog and I am still not satisfied with the title! "Life Unexpected"...It really does describe the past five years of our life. So, in case you missed out on those 5 years, we'll fill you in.

We started "planning" for a family after 3 years of marriage. Little did we know, our plans would be totally different then the plans to come. We tried several means of fertility treatments. Lots of shots and 3 fertility treatments later, we still wound up not pregnant and in the "unexplained category."

Those 5 years have been some of the most trying times in my life. I cried a lot...I yelled at God a lot...I watched as EVERYONE (and I do mean friend, sister, people at church, teen in my youth group...everyone) got pregnant. I was so confused, so broken, and completely devastated. At the same time, the past 5 years of my life have probably been some of the most shaping years of my life. I have learned more about myself, about my relationship with God, about God's faithfulness, His timing and His perfect plan, then I could have ever imagined. This journey has been transformational and continues to be transformational and for that I am forever grateful.

Which brings Nate and I to the present. WE ARE ADOPTING A CHILD FROM ETHIOPIA!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Many of us have been on this journey with you and Nate for the past 5 years. It is so hard to believe that it has been 5 years. That's how I know that 1 to 1 1/2 years is going to go fast too. I can't wait to be the baby's favorite babysitter because I am already Al's favorite dogsitter. I'll take on the challenge of sitting both for you guys when the time comes. Love you and praying always for you.

  3. While we've never met, I'm totally crying reading your first blog posts. I'm so excited for you guys and yet so sad that it's come from such a painful place. The best (and most challenging!) times are still to come...

  4. Ok, so I'm starting from the very beginning!! We too are in the infertility battle...3 years in December, but still trusting God's sovereignty!!

    I'm off to read some more!!


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